chan_ss7, pcap files and 64bit machines

UPDATE: April 29th 2008

Anders Baekgaard of Dicea ApS (current chan_ss7 maintainers) recommends the following alternative patch. Please note that mtp3d.c will also need to be patched in the same way:

--- chan_ss7.c~ 2008-04-03 09:23:56.000000000 +0200
+++ chan_ss7.c  2008-04-29 08:29:20.000000000 +0200
@@ -249,11 +249,12 @@

 static void dump_pcap(FILE *f, struct mtp_event *event)
+  unsigned int sec  = event->dump.stamp.tv_sec;
   unsigned int usec  = event->dump.stamp.tv_usec - 
     (event->dump.stamp.tv_usec % 1000) +
     event->dump.slinkno*2 + /* encode link number in usecs */
     event->dump.out /* encode direction in/out */;

-  fwrite(&event->dump.stamp.tv_sec, sizeof(event->dump.stamp.tv_sec), 1, f);
+  fwrite(&sec, sizeof(sec), 1, f);
   fwrite(&usec, sizeof(usec), 1, f);
   fwrite(&event->len, sizeof(event->len), 1, f); /* number of bytes of packet in file */
   fwrite(&event->len, sizeof(event->len), 1, f); /* actual length of packet */

END UPDATE: April 29th 2008

A quickie for the Google trolls:

While trying to debug some SS7 Nature of Address (NAI) indication issues, I needed to use chan_ss7’s ‘dump’ feature from the Asterisk CLI. It worked fine but the resultant pcap files always failed with messages like:

# tshark -r /tmp/now
tshark: "/tmp/now" appears to be damaged or corrupt.
(pcap: File has 409000-byte packet, bigger than maximum of 65535)

After much digging about and head-against-wall banging, I discovered the issue
is with the packet header in the pcap file. It’s defined by its spec to be:

typedef struct pcaprec_hdr_s {
        guint32 ts_sec;         /* timestamp seconds */
        guint32 ts_usec;        /* timestamp microseconds */
        guint32 incl_len;       /* number of octets of packet saved in file */
        guint32 orig_len;       /* actual length of packet */
} pcaprec_hdr_t;

chan_ss7 uses the timeval struct defined by system headers to represent ts_sec and ts_usec. But, on 64bit machines (certainly mine), these values are defined as unsigned long rather than unsigned int (presumably as a step to get over the ‘year 2038 bug’). Hence the packet header is all wrong.

An easy solution is the following patch in mtp.h:

> /*
>  * The packet header in the pcap file (used for the CLI command 'dump') is 
defined so has to
>  * have the two time components as unsigned ints. However, on 64bit 
machines, the system
>  * timeval struct may use unsigned long. As such, we use a custom version 
>  */
> struct _32bit_timeval
> {
>   unsigned int tv_sec;            /* Seconds.  */
>   unsigned int tv_usec;      /* Microseconds.  */
> };
<       struct timeval stamp;        /* Timestamp */
>       struct _32bit_timeval stamp;        /* Timestamp */

There may be a better way – but this works.

This relates to chan_ss7-1.0.0 from and I have let them know also. It’s also a known issue for the Wireshark developers (although I did not investigate in detail to see what their resolution was for the future). See the following thread from 1999:

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