A common way to affect such a migration is to use mysqldump to extract the data from MariaDB and then to insert it into MySQL.
Assuming a reasonably simply situation, there will be some incompatibilities in the dump that are easily sorted:
sed -i 's/ENGINE=Aria/Engine=InnoDB/g' dump.sql sed -i 's/PAGE_CHECKSUM=1//g' dump.sql sed -i 's/TRANSACTIONAL=1//g' dump.sql sed -i 's/PAGE_CHECKSUM=0//g' dump.sql sed -i 's/TRANSACTIONAL=0//g' dump.sql sed -i 's/ROW_FORMAT=PAGE//g' dump.sql sed -i 's/ROW_FORMAT=FIXED//g' dump.sql
In this case it was MariaDB 10.3 to MySQL 8.0.36.