So I’ve Made the Switch from SVN to Git…

…and I’m bloody delighted. 

The straw finally came when Nick forced my hand for a project we wanted to release through our work in INEX. I was pushing for Google Code but he had his heart set on GitHub. Now, in fairness, GitHub has some SVN bindings but after some research, I decided to dive right in.

Now, there’s both a steep learning curve but also a complete change of mindset required from centralised source code management (SCM) with SVN to the distributed model of Git. In the end, most projects will decide on a canonical Git repository anyway which pushes you slightly back towards centralised but there’s still a world of a difference.

So, what’s so good about Git? Well, lots. But first and foremost is it’s exceptionally powerful yet simple branching and merging that just works. And works fast – remember, with Git everything is local.

One work flow that used to kill me in SVN was that you’d be implementing feature X but someone needed bug Y fixed immediately involving some of the same code. Getting just the fix for Y in was tough and complicated. And branching in SVN isn’t quick or simple. In Git, I branch from the main development branch for every new feature, bug fix, etc and then merge what I need between them and back into develop when they’re ready to be pushed back to the agreed canonical repository.

I’ve been so impressed with Git that I’ve moved an open source project we created in Open Solutions over to Github: ViMbAdmin. I’ve also forced the rest of my team in Open Solutions over to Git and migrated a number of customer projects already. And we’re reaping productivity rewards!

How we work Git for projects was taken from this excellent post which I would fully recommend: A successful Git branching model.

Useful Git Links:

Duke Nukem Never Comes Early

I’m not a gamer and I never played Duke Nukem. But I was always taken by this article: “Learn to Let Go: How Success Killed Duke Nukem” which is required reading for anyone developing software products.

On May 6, 2009, everything ended. Drained of funds after so many years of work, the game’s developer,3D Realms, told its employees to collect their stuff and put it in boxes. The next week, the company was sued for millions by its publisher for failing to finish the sequel.

It looks like someone else is going to release Duke Nukem now but they’ve delayed the release date in hilarious fashion (hilarious assuming you’ve read the above article):

Curtains for SGU and the Stargate franchise

Curtains for SGU and the Stargate franchise: it was indeed a terrific ride which never failed to excite the sci-fi loving geeky kid hidden inside of me.

It’s a sad way to start a Monday when I browse the handful of feeds on my RSS aggregator  and read from an entry entitled until we meet again on Joseph Mallozzi’s  Weblog (Stargate Executive Producer and writer) that the end has arrived:

That was the title of the email I received from Brad Wright late yesterday, an email confirming the worst.  Despite his best efforts and a situation so fluid it vacillated from “almost yes” to “probably not” and back to “almost yes” on any given week, final word had come down.  There would be no SGU movie. Stargate, that had spanned fourteen years, 354 episodes, two DVD movies – that had helped build a network and establish itself as a studio’s most successful television franchise was coming to an end.  It was a terrific ride and, while it would have been great to give the fans that final chapter, that last crossover movie in which Brad had envisioned incorporating elements from all three shows (SG-1, SGA, and SGU), the truth is television is a fickle business.  When it comes down to decision time, it’s less”What have you accomplished?” and more “What have you done for me lately?”.

It was indeed a terrific ride which never failed to excite the sci-fi loving geeky kid hidden inside of me.

ViMbAdmin – We Have a Logo!

As an example of open source in action, we had a note on our Google Code page for ViMbAdmin with a wanted section asking for a logo. Yesterday morning I received a mail from Robert Bell, self professed Head Nerd of Limeworks Australia offering some of his designers time to create one.

24 hours later, we proudly present the new face of ViMbAdmin:

ViMbAdmin Logo

With a cool new logo, we decided we needed to overhaul the login page. You can see the new face of ViMbAdmin at our updated live public demonstration page: This has also been incorporated in a new release version, 0.2.4, which can be downloaded from here.

A sincere thanks to Robert Bell and his team Limeworks Australia for the logo.


We’re IPv6 Ready! Are you?

IPv6 ReadyOver in INEX, we just launched a new initiative to promote and increase awareness of IPv6 among content owners and businesses generating revenue from an online presence.

This project is called IPv6 Ready and it is essential a certification program for websites that are IPv6 ready to one of two standards:

Gold: The website has a AAAA (IPv6) DNS record; and

Platinum: At least one of the websites DNS name servers is additionally IPv6 enabled.

IPv6 PendingFor those websites that are not IPv6 enabled (and in many cases this is dependent on a third party hosting company), we also have a very cool IPv6 Pending badge which you can use to let your customers know that you are IPv6 aware.

The badges shown here are the large versions but we also have an extra large, medium and small so you’ll find an appropriate one for your site.

How do you get your badges? Easy, just head over to and register your site. Once you complete the simple process, you’ll be emailed all four personalised badges!

Help us make this a success! Please repost, blog, tweet and spread the word any way you can to help us raise awareness and push IPv6 forward – even just a little. If nothing else, please register and display a badge! You’ll also get a link such as this to your own certificate!

Using Doctrine ORM with Zend Application

We’ve just published the first in a serious of hidden treasures articles from our ViMbAdmin application over on the company blog:

In this first of a serious of articles where we delve into some of the hidden treasures in our ViMbAdmin application, we look at how to integrate Doctrine ORM with Zend – and specifically Zend_Application and Zend_Controller.

As all the code is available with the GPL license online, I didn’t over explain the set-up but I’d love some feedback on whether I’ve been too obscure for the article to be useful at all.

IANA IPv4 Free Pool Exhausted

The IANA IPv4 free pool was exhausted today, 3 February 2011. Each of the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) has now received one of the final five /8s.

The RIPE NCC updated yesterday that the IANA IPv4 free pool has been exhausted:

The IANA IPv4 free pool was exhausted today, 3 February 2011. Each of the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) has now received one of the final five /8s. The RIPE NCC has been allocated 185/8.

The RIPE NCC is holding reserves totaling approximately four /8s (around 75 million individual IPv4 addresses), not including 185/8.

RIPE will most likely exhaust their reserves sometime in 2011:

As we unable to anticipate consumption rates, we cannot fully predict how long our reserves will last. However, we would like to reassure you that our supplies will not be exhausted within the coming months.

GIMP: Change Background from Black / White to Transparent

This is one that I find myself Googling for regularly but spend time wading through poor results and solutions:

INEX Breaks 10Gbps Barrier – Again

INEX, Ireland’s Neutral Internet Exchange Point, broke the 10Gbps barrier last week coinciding with the Government’s budget announcement. It didn’t quite break the previous record from the announcement of the four year plan.

This traffic spike would have been primarily driven by HEAnet and RTE streaming the Dáil proceedings live to Irish Internet viewers – INEX’s members would account for about 97% of all eyeballs in Ireland.

INEX makes its overall traffic statistics publically accessible.


INEX Breaks 10Gbps Barrier

INEX, Ireland’s neutral Internet Exchange Point, broke the 10Gbps barrier last week coinciding with the Government’s launch of their four year plan:

Reaching a new record high, traffic at INEX, Ireland’s Internet Exchange Point, has exceeded the 10Gigabit per second barrier for the first time.  This record, of 12.137* Gigabits per second, comes in a year when INEX is experiencing its greatest growth in traffic in the exchange’s 14 year history.  The traffic peak, which coincided with the announcement of the National Recovery Plan, is an indication of the increase in consumption of rich media content (TV, video, music, conferencing) over the Internet by users in Ireland, including the new wave of mobile internet users. INEX has also welcomed a number of new Members in recent months who have also contributed to the rapid traffic growth.

Read the full release on INEX‘s own website. We’re looking forward to seeing this record being smashed tomorrow with the announcement of the 2011 budget.

Open Solutions (my company) has been a part of INEX’s operations team since April 2008, working with the expanding number of INEX Members and ensuring the smooth running of the exchange. We assist with the administration of the switching frabic, provide member support, and develop INEX’s provisioning and management systems.