Nagios Plugin for the Promise VTrak 200i

For a project I was working on, I installed a Promise VTrak M200i disk shelf (i for iSCSI but then that’s a whole other blog post!) and needed to add it into the customers management systems.

Unfortunately there didn’t seem to be a lot of information out there on Promise’s SNMP MIBs so with a bit of playing about, I was able to dig out the ones I needed. The Nagios plug-in I wrote and am making available here will monitor the shelf via SNMP and alert on the following chassis issues:

  • critical if any of the shelf’s disk states changes from “OK”;
  • warning if the battery state changes from “FullyCharged”;
  • critical if either of the PSU states change from “Powered On and Functional”;
  • critical is any of the cooling devices (fans) change from “Functional”;
  • critical if any of the temperature sensors’ states change from “normal”;
  • critical if any of the drives go offline or are missing; and
  • warning if any of the drives go into the rebuilding state or have their PFA flag set.

While this is specifically designed for a single M200i, it should be easily customisable for other models.

It can be downloaded from here ( It will also appear on the development section of this site and Nagios Plugins.

OIDs Used
The table of physical disk statuses.
The battery status.
The table of Power Supply Unit statuses.
The table of cooling device/fan statuses.
The table of temperature sensor statuses.
The number of drives that are offline.
The number of drives in the PFA status set.
The number of drives in rebuild status.
The number of drives that are missing.

Nagios Alerts via SMS with Kapow

I have a client who required a Nagios installation with alerting via SMS (*). They use Kapow as their SMS gateway.

There were two aspects required:

  1. The sending of alerts via the SMS gateway;
  2. The monitoring of available credits on the SMS gateway;


1. Send Alerts via SMS Gateway

The sendsms script is:

#! /bin/bash



MSG=`php -r "echo urlencode( \"$MSG\" );"`

wget -q -O - "$SENDSMSADDRESS?username=$USERNAME&password=$PASSWORD&mobile=$1&sms=$MSG"

I use a quick hack with PHP to URL encode the string. I didn’t know a shell command off hand but I’m open to suggestions. This can be tested with:

echo This is a test message | sendsms 353861234567

Edit /etc/nagios/misccommands.cfg to include the following:

# 'host-notify-by-sms' command definition
define command{
        command_name    host-notify-by-sms
        command_line    /usr/bin/printf "%b" "Host '$HOSTALIAS$' is $HOSTSTATE$: $OUTPUT$" | /usr/local/bin/sendsms $CONTACTPAGER$

# 'notify-by-sms' command definition
define command{
        command_name    notify-by-sms
        command_line    /usr/bin/printf "%b" "$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$: $SERVICEDESC$@$HOSTNAME$: $SERVICESTATE$ ($OUTPUT$)" | /usr/local/bin/sendsms $CONTACTPAGER$

Ensure your /etc/nagios/contacts.cfg is updated to include notification by SMS with your mobile number:

define contact{
        contact_name                    barryo
        alias                           Barry O'Donovan
        service_notification_period     barryoworkhours
        host_notification_period        barryoworkhours
        service_notification_options    w,u,c,r
        host_notification_options       d,u,r
        service_notification_commands   notify-by-email,notify-by-sms
        host_notification_commands      host-notify-by-email,host-notify-by-sms
        pager                           353868765432

Sin é.


2. Monitor SMS Gateway Credits

The plugin code is:

#! /bin/bash




if [[ -z $CREDITS || ! $CREDITS -ge 0 ]]; then
        echo -e "$CREDITS\\n";
        exit 3;
elif [[ $CREDITS -le $CRIT ]]; then
        echo -e "$CREDITS SMS credits remaining\\n";
        exit 2;
elif [[ $CREDITS -le $WARN ]]; then
        echo -e "$CREDITS SMS credits remaining\\n";
        exit 1;
        echo -e "$CREDITS SMS credits remaining\\n";
        exit 0;

Create a plugin configuration file for Nagios, say /etc/nagios-plugins/config/sms_credits.cfg:

# 'check_sms_credits' command definition
define command{
        command_name    check_sms_credits
        command_line    /usr/local/bin/check_sms_credit $ARG2$ $ARG1$

Where $ARG1$ is the warning threshold and $ARG2$ is the critical threshold.

I add the service to the Nagios monitoring box via /etc/nagios/config/sms_credit.cfg:

# check sms credits on Kapow - barryo 20070519

define service{
        use                             core-service
        host_name                       noc
        service_description             SMS Credits
        check_command                   check_sms_credits!50!100

And I believe that’s it.

*) The monitoring box is in a different country to the servers it monitors so a network failure will not prevent the alert getting out.