Below you will find a list of my talks, presentations, articles, workshops, etc. that I have been able to find and collate (initially collated April 2019 – as such it gets sparser as the years get older).
Want me to talk at your event? I’m usually happy to speak and present on any of the topics you’ll find below – just contact me and let me know the specifics.
Questions on copyright of this material? Please contact me and ask. Different forums and events have different policies so do not assume the site’s general copyright applies here.
- IXP Manager – BGP & Route Servers, Euro-IX Route Server Workshop, NAMEX Offices, Rome, Italy. March 13-14, 2024. [PDF]
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, The Camden Court Hotel, Dublin, Ireland. March 7th, 2024. [Photo 1 2] [PDF]
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, The Camden Court Hotel, Dublin, Ireland. September 12th, 2024. [Photo] [PDF]
- Navigating the NIS2 Galaxy – A Compliance Roadmap, Panelist, INEX’s Professional Development Program for Members – EOLAS. Via Zoom. September 12th, 2024.
- Introducing IXP Manager v7, RIPE89, Prague, Czechia – Connect Working Group. October 31st, 2024. [Photo] [PDF] [Video]
- Leveraging Vagrant to Simulate Complex Systems for Network Application Development, RIPE89, Prague, Czechia – Open Source Working Group. October 31st, 2024. [Photo] [PDF] [Video]
We need to model complex environments when developing web applications in a network engineering domain. These environments often consist of routers, switches, BGP daemons, SNMP daemons, looking glasses, and more. While mocking can be useful, it has limitations, and testing in a live production environment poses significant risks. This is where Vagrant — a tool designed to create and configure reproducible and portable development environments — can prove invaluable.
- Embracing ISO27001 – Roadmap to Compliance for INEX, with Eileen Gallagher, INEX CEO, 41st Euro-IX Forum, Budapest, Hungary. November 17th – 19th, 2024. [Photo] [PDF]
- IXP Manager v7, 41st Euro-IX Forum, Budapest, Hungary. November 17th – 19th, 2024. [Photos 1 2][PDF]
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, RDS, Dublin, Ireland. December 14th, 2023. [PDF]
- Getting the Most from Your INEX Membership, EOLAS Workshop (an INEX programme of sharing networking clue and professional training), Dublin, Ireland. December 7th 2023.
- Euro-IX Audit Committee Report, Euro-IX General Meeting, 39th Euro-IX Forum, Prague, Czechia. November 19-22 2023.
- IXP Manager Update, Global Peering Forum – GPF 2023, San Diego, California, USA. April 2023. [PDF]
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. December 15th, 2022. [PDF]
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. September 22nd, 2022. [PDF]
- Route Server Filtering and INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. March 31st, 2022. [Photo] [PDF]
- IXP Manager – Bringing your IX and First Members Live, APRICOT 2022, remotely from Dublin, Ireland. February 24 2022. Primarily a hands on tutorial. [APRICOT 2022 Site] [PDF] [Video – Part 1] [Video – Part 2].
There is still no domestic or international travel due to Covid-19.
- Monitoring and Measurement at IXPs, LAC-IX technical group, panelist remotely from Dublin, Ireland. 19 October 2021. [PDF] [Photos via Twitter].
- IXPs and RPKI – A MANRS Community Panel, RPKI Week, MANRS, panelist remotely from Dublin, Ireland. 12-16 July 2021 [Video].
- Our Community and IXP Manager, Euro-IX – 20 Years of Cooperation. June 29th 2021. [Blog Post] [Video] [PDF]
- IXP Manager and Route Servers – A Video Turotial Series (2.5 hrs over six parts). A comprehensive tutorial series on configuring, deploying and securing route servers at IXPs, using IXP Manager, and securing them with IRRDB and RPKI filtering. June 16th, 2021. [Videos] PDFs for each part: [1 2 3 4 5 6].
- Automating and Securing Route Servers with IXP Manager, APNIC Academy – Live Webinars, virtually for an Asia Pacific audience. June 15th, 2021. [Video] [PDF]
- INEX Members’ Meeting Update, virtually from Dublin, Ireland. An update to the membership on the integration of IXP Manager with SAGE for the automation of member billing. February 25th 2021.
- NCL-IX – Putting the North of England on the Digital Infrastructure Map, virtually via Capacity Media’s Webinar platform. The launch event for NCL-IX, a new IXP for Newcastle, England. February 11th, 2021. [Video] [PDF]
Domestic and international travel ended March 2020 due to Covid-19 and so I didn’t deliver as many talks as usual. I used that time to create a brand new site for IXP Manager and to create a series of tutorial videos for it.
- IXP Manager – An Open Source Success Story for Better Internet Connectivity. RIPE 81, Virtual. Octover 27 – 30 2020. [Video] [PDF]
- OAuth with PeeringDB for Network Operators. UKNOF45 – UK Network Operators Forum, London, England. January 15th 2020. [Photo][Video] [PDF]
- A Whirlwind Tour of Ireland’s Internet History – from INEX’s Perspective. HEAnet National Conference 2019, Galway, Ireland. November 13th – 15th 2019. [Photo] [Video] [PDF]
- IXPs, BGP and the Internet, NUI, Galway, guest lecture for 3rd Year computer science students.
- OAuth for IXP Operators. 35th Euro-IX Forum, Zaandam, Netherlands. October 20th – 22nd 2019. [Photos 1 2 3] [PDF]
- IX-F Member Export – Real World Sightings and Uses. 35th Euro-IX Forum, Zaandam, Netherlands. October 20th – 22nd 2019. [Photo] [PDF]
- IXP Route Servers with RPKI. UKNOF44 – UK Network Operators Forum, Belfast, Northern Ireland. September 10th – 11th 2019. [Photos 1 2 3] [Video] [PDF]
- IXP Route Servers with RPKI and IXP Manager. Global Peering Forum – GPF14, Montréal, Canada. April 9th – 12th 2019. [Photo] [PDF]
Updated version of the APRICOT 2019 presentation below. A best-practice integration of RPKI into the current IX route server context which still includes IRR support.
- INEX’s Shiny New Route Servers, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. March 28th 2019. [Photo] [PDF]
During February, INEX had two maintenance windows to upgrade the route servers. This and some subsequent work on IXP Manager tooling was presented at the members’ meeting during March.
- Building Bridges (podcast), php[podcast] – The Official Podcast of php[architect], March 25th 2019. [Official Link] [Local Copy]
An interview with Barry O’Donovan about his article on migrating legacy applications to Laravel, his involvement with PHP, and PHP’s reputation in other communities. (from ~17mins)
- Migrating Legacy PHP Applications to Laravel, php[architect] Magazine, March 2019 issue. [PDF]
Thanks to Taylor Otwell’s Laravel framework, PHP is reclaiming its rightful place as the go-to language for web application development. For those of us maintaining and developing applications using legacy frameworks, the grass certainly looks greener on Laravel‘s side. In this article, I show how to do an in-place migration from a legacy framework to Laravel.
- IXP Route Servers with RPKI and IXP Manager, APRICOT 2019, Daejeon, South Korea. February 18 – 28th 2019. [Photo] [Video] [PDF]
In the presentation, we propose a best-practice integration of RPKI into the current IX route server context which still includes IRR support. We present the development work we have completed with IXP Manager to support RPKI and discuss our experiences at putting this live at INEX.
- IXP Manager, APIX 19 (Asia Pacific Internet Exchange Association), Daejeon, South Korea. February 24th 2019. [Photos 1 2] [PDF]
An introduction to IXP Manager for the APIX audience. Also provides a general update on the state of IXP Manager as of Feb 2019.
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. December 13th 2018. [Photos 1 2] [PDF]
- RPKI, Route Servers and IXP Manager, 33rd Euro-IX Forum, Venice, Italy. November 4th – 6th 2018. [Photo 1 2 3] [PDF] [Video]
What you need to know about RPKI in two slides; a review of RPKI support in current route server daemons; and plans for RPKI in IXP Manager (and thus at INEX). (Based on Nick’s presentation at RIPE 77).
- IXPs, BGP and the Internet, NUI, Galway, guest lecture for 3rd Year Information Technology students.
- Migrating Legacy Applications to PHP, Laravel Live UK, London, UK, June 12th 2018. [Photos 1 2] [PDF]
- Euro-IX Forum Connectivity Report, 32nd Euro-IX Forum, Galway, Ireland. [PDF]
As local hosts for the 32nd Euro-IX Forum, INEX organised connectivity for the attendees with the help of some of our members. This is a brief summary of how that worded with some statistics from the meeting itself.
- IXP Manager Update, Global Peering Forum – GPF12, New York, USA. April 9th – 12th 2017. [Photo] [PDF]
As the project turns ten this year, it is a fitting time to deliver our first States-side presentation and update the community on some major milestone goals.
- IX-F Member Export & Centralised Database, 30th Euro-IX Forum Workshop, Barcelona, Spain. April 9th – 11th 2017. [PDF]
- Cross Connect / Patch Panel Management, 30th Euro-IX Forum, Barcelona, Spain. April 9th – 11th 2017. [PDF]
A ~5 minute lightning talk to introduce the new cross connect / patch panel management feature.
- BGP Large Communities Attribute – RFC8092, Irish Network Operations Group – INOG:B, Dublin Ireland. March 7th 2017. [PDF]
- IXPs and INEX, ISOC Macedonian IXP Workshop, Skopje, Macedonia. November 3rd – 4th, 2016.
- Bird’s Eye: A Simple Secure Micro Service for Querying Bird, RIPE 73, Madrid, Spain. 22nd – 28th October 2016. [PDF] [Video]
The results of my proposal from the RIPE IXP Tools hackaton at RIPE 73. Thanks to Nick for standing in and presenting this at the Open Source Working Group as I had to leave earlier in the week. This was also the winning project of the hackaton. Photos from the hackaton [1 2 3].
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. June 2016. [PDF]
- A Detector for Asymmetric Routing over an IXP, RIPE 72, Copenhagen, Denmark. May 21st – 27th, 2016. [PDF] [Video]
The results of my proposal from the RIPE Atlas hackaton at RIPE72 – presented to the Connect Working Group.
- 3rd IXP Manager Workshop, 28th Euro-IX Forum, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. April 24th – 26th 2016.
An in-depth workshop on IXP Manager split into three topics: an introduction and general update [PDF]; installation and update instructions for the new IXP Manager v4 [PDF]; and a detailed look at Grapher including the anatomy of a request [PDF].
- JSON Export Schema and Centralised Database, 28th Euro-IX Forum, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. April 24th – 26th 2016. [PDF] [Video]
- 2nd IXP Manager Workshop, 27th Euro-IX Forum, Berlin, Germany. October 25th – 27th 2015.
The second workshop on IXP Manager did a re-introduction [PDF] for those who missed the first workshop and then took a detailed look at the forthcoming IXP Manager v4 release [PDF].
- Taming the Floods of Maintenance Notifications, 27th Euro-IX Forum, Berlin, Germany. October 25th – 27th 2015. [PDF]
The second presentation on this topic to try and build interest / momentum / consensus following EPF in September 2015.
- Taming the Floods of Maintenance Notifications, European Peering Forum – EPF10, Madrid, Spain. September 20th – 24th 2015. [PDF]
- BGP 101 – or “Some Good BGP Practives (especially at IXPs)”, UK and Ireland Peering Forum 1.0, Sheffield, UK. September 16th 2015. [PDF]
- An Introduction and Historical and Technical Journey Through INEX, Irish Network Operators Group – INOG:2, Dublin, Ireland, September 8th 2015. [PDF]
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. June 2015. [PDF]
- 1st IXP Manager Workshop, 26th Euro-IX Forum, Marseilles, France. April 12th – 14th 2015. [PDF]
Delivered a number of presentations including an overview and history of INEX; IXP Manager and route servers; procudure for connecting new members to an exchange; value-added services an IXP can provide.
- Overview of Ireland’s Internet Infrastructure, LINX Members’ Meeting – LINX88, London, UK. February 2015. [Photo] [PDF]
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. December 2014. [PDF]
- 1st ISOC Montenegrin IXP Workshop, Podgorica, Montenegro. September 30th – October 1st 2019.
Delivered a number of presentations including an overview and history of INEXand IXP Manager; panellist for a number of discussion topics.
- IXP Manager, APIX 10 (Asia Pacific Internet Exchange Association), Brisbane, Australia (delivered remotely via video conferencing). September 14th 2014. [PDF]
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. March 2014. [PDF]
- Peering Workshop, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. December 2013.
I created a half-day peering workshop for INEX members (and prospectives) which included presentations on: general introduction to IXPs and INEX; details of the complete process of joining and connecting to INEX; BGP [PDF]; and IXP Manager.
- IXP Manager Update (v3.6.0), 23rd Euro-IX Forum, Helsinki, Finland. October 27th – 29th 2013. [Photos 1 2 3] [PDF]
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. March 2013. [PDF]
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. December 2012. [PDF]
- IXP Manager Update v3.0, 21st Euro-IX Forum, Stockholm, Sweden. November 11th – 13th 2012. [PDF]
- IPv6 – The Internet’s Future, Engineers Ireland, Dublin, Ireland. April 25th 2012. [PDF]
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. March 2012. [PDF]
- IPv6 Ready Badge Initiative, RIPE62, Amsterdam, Netherlands. May 2nd – 6th 2011.
- Expanding Your ISP (with INEX), Irish Wireless ISP Conference and Expo, Dublin, Ireland. March 31st 2011. [PDF]
- IPv6 Ready Badge Initiative, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. March 2011.
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. September 2010. [PDF]
- IXP Manager, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. June 2010. [PDF]
An interesting historical presentation of IXP Manager v1 back when we were using the old Joomla templating design. This was when we made it available to the INEX members for the first time.
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. March 2010. [PDF]
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. September 2009. [PDF]
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. September 2009. [PDF]
Historically interesting presentation – possibly the first mention of turning some simple CRUD PHP scripts into what was to become IXP Manager.
- INEX Operations Update, INEX Members’ Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. September 2008. [PDF]
Historically interesting for me – this was my first INEX Operations update.
Older Grouped Publications
The following grouped publications date from ~15+ years ago (as written in 2019) and are included here for archival reasons. Methods and technologies detailed in these are most likely well out of date now and should not be relied upon in 2019+.
Linux Security Articles
- Firewalling with netfilter/iptables, Linux Gazette, No. 103, June 2004.
- Automatic Backups with rsync and Anacron, Linux Gazette, No. 104, July 2004.
- Securing a New Linux Installation, Linux Gazette, No. 105, August 2004.
- Intrusion Detection with Tripwire, Linux Gazette, No. 106, September 2004.
- Secure Communication with Stunnel, Linux Gazette, No. 107, October 2004.
- Advanced Features of netfilter/iptables, Linux Gazette, No. 108, November 2004.
KDE – The K Desktop Environment
I founded and maintained KDE.ie “the Irish home of KDE” for a time in the early/mid-2000’s and under took some writing/promotional work for the project.
- The K Desktop Environment and KDE Kiosk (pdf), a presentation I gave to demonstrate that UNIX/KDE is a viable alternative for the enterprise desktop. Open Expo Linux and Open Source Conference at the National ICT Conference 2005, Dublin, Ireland, April 13-14, 2005.
- KDE Kiosk – Battening Down the Hatches, In all five language editions of Linux+ Magazine, June 2005. Polish, issue 98, ISSN 1427-5562. French, issue 9, ISSN 1732-4327. Spanish, issue 9, ISSN 1732-4327. German, issue 9, ISSN 1732-4327. Czech, issue 9, ISSN 1733-4209.
Information Hiding
I spent four years researching in the area of information hiding in the UCD School of Computer Science and Informatics from 2001 to 2005. These papers are copyrighted by the conference organisers, the publishers and/or the named journals.
- An Investigation of Robustness in Non-Linear Audio Watermarking,
Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE’s 17th Annual Symposium on Electronic Imaging, EI05, vol. 5681, San Jose, CA, USA, Jan 2005. Finbarr (Barry) O’Donovan, Neil J. Hurley, Guenole C. M. Silvestre. - Application of Histogram Equalisation to Audio Watermarking, Proceedings of the Irish Signals and Systems Conference, ISSC’04, pgs 258-263, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Jun 2004. Finbarr (Barry) O’Donovan, Guenole C. M. Silvestre, Neil J. Hurley.
- A Synchronisation Method for Informed Spread-Spectrum Audio Watermarking, Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, vol. 1, no. 6, Jan 2004. P.-Y. Fulchiron, F. B. O’Donovan, G. C. M. Silvestre, N. J. Hurley.
- A Synchronisation Method for Informed Spread-Spectrum Audio Watermarking, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies (CCCT’03) and the 9th. International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS’03), vol. 5, Orlando, Florida, USA, Jul 2003. P.-Y. Fulchiron, B. O’Donovan, G. C. M. Silvestre, N. J. Hurley.
- Synchronisation of Audio Watermarking by Salient Point Extraction, Proceedings of the Irish Signals and Systems Conference, ISSC’03, pgs 40-45, Limerick, Ireland, Jul 2003. P.-Y. Fulchiron, F. B. O’Donovan, G. C. M. Silvestre, N. J. Hurley.
- Securing Java Through Software Watermarking, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Programming in Java, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pgs 145-148, Kilkenny City, Ireland, Jun 2003. David Curran, Neil J. Hurley, Mel Ó Cinnéide, Guenole C. M. Silvestre, Barry O’Donovan.
GNU Octave
During the above mentioned four years of research, we used Matlab and a similar open source application called GNU Octave. The two articles below represent the beginning of a never finished series:
- GNU Octave – An Introduction, Linux Gazette, No. 109, December 2004.
- GNU Octave – Functions and Scripts, Linux Gazette, No. 112, March 2005.
- A Briefing Document on Software Patentability & EU Directive COD/2002/0047 (pdf), binded and posted to all 16 Irish MEPs and published on KDE.ie, March 2005. Barry O’Donovan et al.
- Digital Extractor: A Resource For The Analysis Of Digital Differential Display Output, Bioinformatics, vol. 19, pgs 1594-1595, Aug 2003. Stephen F. Madden, Barry O’Donovan, Simon J. Furney, Hugh R. Brady, Guenole Silvestre, Peter P. Doran.