Doctrine2 Provider for Laravel 5 with Authentication Support

About a year ago, I released a Doctrine2 provider for Laravel 4. We’ve just updated this as a new package for Laravel 5.  Full details can be seen in the project’s

This package creates four bindings into Laravel’s IoC:

  • Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface (which is an instance of Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager), also available via the D2EM facade;
  • Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache (which is an instance of the appropriate cache provider), also available via the D2Cache facade;
  • Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory (used in this package by the console generator commands); and
  • the Doctrine2Bridge\Support\Repository helper object which used by the D2R facade to instantiate repositories such as D2R::r( 'User' ).

An example of using the D2Cache and D2EM

D2Cache::save( $key, $value );
D2Cache::fetch( $key );

$object = new Entities\Object;
D2EM::persist( $object );

It includes support for Laravel’s authentication system by way of a Doctrine2 based user provider with some example classes. Simply put – this allows a Doctrine2 database table storing users’ usernames and passwords to be used as the backend for Laravel 5 authentication.

Full documentation of the authentication with examples can be found here.

Available on Packagist and forkable on GitHub.

Doctrine2 Provider for Laravel 4 Authentication

I’ve just added to the Doctrine2 service provider for Laravel by adding a UserProvider allowing Doctrine2Bridge to provide a driver for Laravel’s authentication system.

Simply put – this allows a Doctrine2 database table stroing users’ usernames and passwords to be used as the backend for Laravel 4 authentication.

Full documentation and examples can be found here. Available on Packagist and forkable on GitHub.

Doctrine2 Service Provider for Laravel 4

I’ve just released a Laravel 4 package which contains a service provider to the Doctine2 entity manager and the Doctrine2 cache. These are made available via facades named D2EM and D2Cache respectively.

Currently it uses the XML schema method for defining entities but this can easily be augmented with the other methods. Also, ArrayCache and MemcacheCache are fully supported caching interfaces. Any other cache that requires no configuration is also supported but some trivial coding will be required for caching backends required configuration.

Combining this with TwigBridge, we have an excellent framework with Laravel 4!